Fair sweepstakes winners.

August 12, 2016

#WesternMichiganFair #MasonCounty4H

PERE MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP — The following were the winners of the 2016 Western Michigan Fair sweepstakes competitions:

Small animal sweepstakes: Front row, from left: 5-6-year-old: Molly Mosier, grand champion; Landon Ruboyianes, reserve champion; 7-8: William Ruboyianes, grand; Joseph Klune, reserve. Middle row: 11-13: Mikaylyn Kenney, grand, Audra Shoop, reserve; 9-10: Laura Hepworth, grand; Ella Korendyke, reserve. Back row: 17-18: JoyEllen Wilson, grand, Sarah Hepworth, reserve; 14-16: Miriam Wilson, grand, Andrea Shoop, reserve.

Small animal sweepstakes: Front row, from left: 5-6-year-old: Molly Mosier, grand champion; Landon Ruboyianes, reserve champion; 7-8: William Ruboyianes, grand; Joseph Klune, reserve. Middle row: 11-13: Mikaylyn Kenney, grand, Audra Shoop, reserve; 9-10: Laura Hepworth, grand; Ella Korendyke, reserve. Back row: 17-18: JoyEllen Wilson, grand, Sarah Hepworth, reserve; 14-16: Miriam Wilson, grand, Andrea Shoop, reserve.


Large animal sweepstakes: Front row, from left: 5-6-year-old: Isabel Babbin, first; 7-8: Jessica Petersen, first; 9-10: Briana Crawford, first. Middle row: 11-13: Andrea Shoop, first; 14-16: Faith Whitaker, first; Back row: 17-19: AmyGrace Shoop, first, Preston Kelly, second. Missing: 5-6: Tyler Englebrecht, second; 7-8: Parker Overmyer, second; 9-10: Brayden Overmyer, second; 14-16: Erin Wittlieff, second.

Large animal sweepstakes: Front row, from left: 5-6-year-old: Isabel Babbin, first; 7-8: Jessica Petersen, first; 9-10: Briana Crawford, first. Middle row: 11-13: Andrea Shoop, first; 14-16: Faith Whitaker, first; Back row: 17-19: AmyGrace Shoop, first, Preston Kelly, second. Missing: 5-6: Tyler Englebrecht, second; 7-8: Parker Overmyer, second; 9-10: Brayden Overmyer, second; 14-16: Erin Wittlieff, second.

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