County planning commission requests public input on zoning.

August 2, 2016


SCOTTVILLE — The Mason County Planning Commission is beginning work on a five-year update to the county zoning ordinance.  A variety of current topics will be addressed during the update ranging from electronic signs to barn weddings and “tiny houses”.

The planning commission created an online survey to receive public input on these topics and other zoning issues. The survey will be active through August 31, 2016 and can be accessed through the Zoning Department page on the Mason County website (  A link to the survey is available on the department web page.

Hard copies of the survey will be available at the Ludington and Scottville branches of the Mason County District Library.    

Mason County Zoning covers the townships of Amber, Branch, Custer, Eden, Free Soil, Logan, Meade, Riverton, Sheridan, Sherman, Summit, and Victory.   If you have any questions about the survey please contact Mary Reilly, Zoning and Building Director, at 757-9272.


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