EPWORTH HEIGHTS, Pere Marquette Township — Epworth Assembly will again host its Thursday night Lakeside Series, featuring various topics of interest and free to the public. Each presentation is under an hour and takes place in the Marine Dining Room with a view of Lake Michigan. All programs begin at 8 p.m.
The 2016 Lakeside series includes:
• June 23: Rapidly Responding to Invasive Species of the North Country by Jordan DeVries and Vicki Sawiki of the Mason/Lake Conservation District.
• June 30: Our People, Our Journey: The Little River Band of Ottawa Indians by Jim McClurken, president of James M. McClurken and Associates, Lansing.
• July 7: The Captain, the Princess and Ludington by James Jensen, local historian.
• July 14: The Panama Canal – Past, Present and Future by Chris Ottsen, vice president and principal engineer, MWH Global.
• July 21: Justus S. Stearns: Michigan Pine King and Kentucky Coal Baron, 1845-1933 by Mike Nagle, history professor at West Shore Community College.
• July 28: Tripping Lightly Across the Emerald Isle by Larry and Julie Snyder of Topside Cottage.
• August 4: Is Christianity Bad for the Environment? by Darryl Hart, visiting professor of history at Hillsdale College.
Details of each program are available at epworthheights.net/lakeside.