West Shore Bank donates over $10,000 to local music programs.

October 5, 2015

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From left: Donna Yager (WSB), Debra Kinnaird (WSB), Raymond Biggs (WSB), Keith Kuczynski (LAS) , Tom Thomas (MCC), Paul Shoup (MCE), Valarie Bergstrom (WSB) and Leah Holmes (WSB)

From left: Donna Yager (WSB), Debra Kinnaird (WSB), Raymond Biggs (WSB), Keith Kuczynski (LAS) , Tom Thomas (MCC), Paul Shoup (MCE), Valarie Bergstrom (WSB) and Leah Holmes (WSB)

LUDINGTON – West Shore Bank recently donated a portion of the proceeds from its two summer Rhythm & Dunes concerts to local school music programs. Ludington Area Schools, Mason County Central Schools and Mason County Eastern Schools received a total of $10,500, almost doubled from the 2014 donation.

The donation has allowed MCE to again have a music program.

“After not having band for three years, last year – with the help from West Shore Bank’s Rhythm and Dunes school donation – we were able to start an after school music program,” said Paul Shoup, superintendent of MCE. “The funds helped to provide loaner instruments and music to students who were interested in the program. With this year’s donation we are excited to build on the Musical Minds Music Club and involve many more students throughout the year.”

“The donations have been a huge benefit to our music program,” said Tom Thomas, music director of MCC. “We have used the funds to purchase instruments for students who cannot afford them, as well as reeds, valve oil and cork grease that we provide at no charge for students who are unable to buy their own. All monies are used to help kids with the expense of being in band and choir. We’ve been able to pay fees for state solo and ensemble festivals for choir and band, and this year we plan to start a uniform fund with the goal of replacing our 30-year-old band uniforms.”

“With these funds, we’ve been able to purchase sheet music for our various bands – concert band, jazz band, seventh and eighth grade bands, solo and ensemble, and our pep band, O-Funk,” Keith Kuczynski, music director for LAS said. “We’ve also been able to pay for the cost of maintenance and repair for school-owned instruments, as well as buy supplies. Students with financial hardships are able to use school owned instruments, and this has continued to be possible through donations from West Shore Bank’s Rhythm and Dunes concerts.”


Record crowds of music-fans attended the two performances held at Waterfront Park.   In addition to performances from The Long Run, An Eagles Tribute and Britain’s Finest, The Complete Beatles Experience, crowds were treated to performances by Ludington High School’s O-Funk Pep Band and the Mason County Central Jazz Band.

“We would like to thank the community for its support of the Rhythm & Dunes concerts and for coming out to enjoy the shows,” said Raymond Biggs, president and CEO of West Shore Bank. “The Bank would also like to express thanks to its other supporting vendors: Lela’s Kettle Corn, Boney Island Barbecue, Jimmy John’s of Ludington and SAMM’s Concessions.”

At a luncheon held on Thursday, October 1, officers from the bank presented the donations to representatives from each school.

“The turnout for this year’s concerts was phenomenal,” said Biggs. “West Shore Bank is proud to support and make a difference in our communities and our schools.  It’s an honor to come together with our friends and neighbors to celebrate and support music education for our local students.”

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