10-year-old recovering from bike crash injuries.

September 16, 2015

IMG_7733.JPGThe 10-year-old boy who was injured in a bicycle crash Sunday morning continues to recover at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids. Maxwell Smith received a head injury after the crash at the intersection of Larson and Trail Ridge roads in Sheridan Township. Max and a group of boys were traveling down a steep hill on Trail Ridge that ends at Larson Road. He ended up  in a ravine west of the intersection.

Today, Max’s parents, Lisa and Jacob Smith, issued a statement through Mason County Eastern schools.

On behalf of Maxwell Smith and his family, we would like to thank everyone for the concern and well wishes since Max’s accident.  We would love to communicate individually but are unable to do so for a few weeks.  We are expecting a long healing process.  Max is currently unable to receive balloons, flowers, or gifts.  In lieu of this, please consider donating toiletries, snacks, or stationary supplies to the Renucci Hospitality House or the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital.   We will soon set up a page for updates and to receive well wishes or other donations.

“We would like to thank the Fountain Fire Department, Life EMS, Aeromed Transport, the Mason County Sheriff’s Office, and the Spectrum Health System for their professionalism and care.  We are grateful for support from friends, family, and the community and the staff of the PCCU at DeVos Children’s Hospital.

“While Max’s recovery will take time, we want his/our friends to know that Max is strong and is showing small signs of improvement.  We look forward to the day when Max will be back playing Legos and MineCraft with his friends.”

Note:  The Renucci Hospitality House provides a home away from home for families in crisis.  Any gifts will help families who need a place to stay when home is far away.  Max’s family is benefitting from the comforts of the Renucci Hospitality House.  For more information, go to spectrumhealthfoundation.org.


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