Baldwin music teacher receives national recognition.

April 15, 2015
Julie Sherlock

Julie Sherlock

BALDWIN — Baldwin Elementary music teacher Julie Sherlock, has been selected as a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Scholar from a national applicant pool to attend one of 21 NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshops. The National Endowment for the Humanities is a federal agency that each year supports summer study opportunities so that teachers can work with experts in humanities disciplines.

Sherlock will participate in a workshop entitled “The Most Southern Place on Earth:  Music, History and Culture in the Mississippi Delta.”   Directed by Dr. Luther Brown, the program, held at Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi, will afford Sherlock the opportunity to travel throughout the Delta, visiting sites where significant events occurred.   She will discuss and learn about issues involving civil rights, the great migration, agriculture, the Mississippi River, and most significantly, to learn about the characteristic music of the region – the Delta blues.

A total of 42 teachers were selected out of over 400 applicants to participate in the program, with each receiving a $1,800 stipend to help cover their travel, study, and living expenses.

To learn about this and other NEH Landmarks Workshops being offered this summer, visit   The approximately 1,512 teacher who participate in these programs will teach more than 189,000 American students the following year.