Cadet Tyler Billow testifies in front of Judge Wadel.

Prosecutor Paul Spaniola and defense attorney David Glancy speak to a cadet.
LUDINGTON — Cadets from the West Shore Community College Law Enforcement academy learned what it is like to be in the witness seat in a court proceeding Thursday evening.
The six cadets each took turns testifying during a mock trial presided over by 79th District Judge Pete Wadel at Mason County Courthouse. They were asked questions by Mason County Prosecuting Attorney Paul Spaniola and defense attorney David Glancy.
Attorneys from both sides, along with Judge Wadel, gave the cadets advice on how to respond to questions when they are asked to testify in a court hearing.
“All and all you all did well tonight,” Judge Wadel told the cadets. “We’ve given you some helpful hints. Be thorough and complete to the best of your abilities.”
The cadets are expected to graduate in May and they will each then be certified to be police officers in the state of Michigan.