Farm Bureau field day/rally scheduled

April 3, 2014

farm_bureau_logoRIVERTON TWP. — The Mason County Farm Bureau Board of Directors will host a membership Field Day/Rally for all regular Farm Bureau members on Saturday, April 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the New Horizon Farm, 1981 W. Marrison Road.

The featured agenda item will be information about the 2014 Farm Bill and what it will mean at the farm level. Reports will be given by those who will have just attended the Michigan and Washington legislative seminars and the Young Farmer’s Leadership Conference. Several legislative issues will be highlighted by our local Farm Bureau member attendees. Other opportunities for member involvement in Farm Bureau will be lifted up.

Door prizes will be given and a nice gift will be provided to those joining or renewing their membership on April 12th. At the close of the field day/rally those attending will enjoy a fish fry luncheon.

Please R.S.V.P. to our County Farm Bureau office, 231-757-3833, or in the evening at 231-757-2270, by Wednesday April 9th so enough of the delicious fish can be prepared.

Directions: Take S. Scottville Road to W. Marrison Road and then 2.5 miles west to the farm, south side of road.