4 sentenced in circuit court

March 14, 2014

By Allison Scarbrough, Contributing Editor

LUDINGTON – The following defendants were sentenced March 11 in 51ST Circuit Court:
Stephen Fairlamb

Stephen Fairlamb

–         Stephen Mikel Fairlamb, 19, of 4550 S. Darr Rd., Scottville, was found guilty Jan. 22of assault/weapon and criminal sexual conduct (CSC) third degree, person 13-15. He was sentenced concurrent terms of one to three years with the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) for Count I and four to six years for Count II. He was given credit for 170 days served in jail. He was also ordered to pay $74,242.63 in restitution and $266 in fines and costs. One count of assault with intent to commit murder was dismissed. See related story here. 

Bates_Caila–         Caila Lynn Bates, 30, of 3185 Simons St., Cadillac, was found guilty Aug. 9, 2010 of financial transaction devise, retaining without consent; habitual offender, second conviction; and probation violation. She was sentenced to three to six years with the MDOC; $1,524 in restitution; $363 in fines and costs; and probation is revoked. Court assessments to be collected through the inmate accounting process.
John Cantu

John Cantu

–         Joseph John-Allen Cantu, 18, of 1206 Drent Rd., Muskegon, pleaded no contest to CSC, fourth degree, multiple variables. He was sentenced to one year and one month to two years with the MDOC and $198 in fines and costs.

Alyxander Smith

Alyxander Smith

–         Alyxander Carl Smith, 20, of 237 6th Ave., Apt. 123, Manistee, was found guilty Jan. 17 of financial transaction device, retain without consent. He was sentenced to one year in jail with credit for 292 days served; serve three months up front (already served) with balance to be served at the court’s discretion; $548 in fines and costs; 18 months probation; and restitution is to be modified. A second count of the same charge was dimissed.