
November 28, 2013

Our View. A blog by Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.

During the month of November, I have enjoyed reading the many daily Facebook posts of what people are thankful for. I’m not really one to be this regimented and I appreciate the openness people have shown. I’ve decided to wait until today. My decision isn’t so much because today is Thanksgiving but more because it happens to be a very special milestone for a very special little lady in my life.

Let me be very clear here. I am thankful to God for the many blessings He has brought me in my life. On this particular day, I am most thankful to be celebrating the 6-month birthday of my precious little daughter, who I believe is a complete miracle. See related story here.

I’m going to show some respect here and not reveal my wife’s age. However, I am a notch or two, or three higher than 40. I don’t want to sound cliche but it truly is amazing how much one’s life changes when a child enters the picture.

Every day I spend with this little girl is just so precious. Her smiles are contagious. She has been nothing but a happy, healthy baby. I’m thankful that she is beautiful, like her mother. Her presence in a room makes others joyful. She just makes me smile.

Legacy and heritage have always been important to me. I’m a big history buff and I’m a genealogist. I’ve always taken an interest in my family’s history, especially as it relates to where we live. I’m very proud that our daughter sleeps in the bedroom that her great-great grandmother once slept in. Her great-great-great-grandfather spent his final years in our home.

I don’t know why certain milestones happen to people at different times in their lives. I never really felt an uneasiness about not having children. But, at the same time, I always thought it was ironic that as much as legacy was important to me, that I had no children to pass on my heritage. Of course, that gap has now been filled with our sweet Avoca.

So, today I am thankful for God’s miracles and the blessings of children.


But, that’s not all. I am thankful to my wonderful, amazing wife. We have shared the last seven years together and everyday is a new adventure. It is amazing how there really can be a person out there who is your true soul mate and also your ultimate best friend. I know I’m not always the easiest person to live with, but she puts up with me and I am truly thankful for that.

I’m also thankful for my family and the fact that my entire immediate family lives within about 3 square miles of each other. To some, this may seem a little too close for comfort. For me, it’s totally comforting.

I’m thankful for living in a small town and a close community. Again, the small town life isn’t for everyone. Our small community isn’t quite as simple and safe as it once was. I think those places are far and few between. I will certainly be a parent who keeps a keen eye on my children growing up, but I also am at peace knowing that there isn’t a better place to raise a child. Who else gets to live next to one of the most beautiful bodies of water in the world?

Last but not least, I am thankful for you, the readers of Mason County Press and to our advertisers. In just a short two years, this online news site has built a wonderful loyal audience. Through the website and our social media pages, we have have built an online community that gives you a place to get informed about what’s going on in our county and also gives you a chance to speak your mind. We have some big plans for the future of this service, which we hope to be announcing in the very near future.

I hope each and everyone of you has a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving.


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