Oriole Foundation supports LASD music programs

March 12, 2025

Oriole News is a presentation of Ludington Area School District in partnership with Mason County Press.

Story and photos by Jeff Kiessel, MCP Contributor

LUDINGTON — The Ludington Area School District’s band and choir program was the recipient of last year’s Oriole Foundation Dancing with the Local Stars fund raiser, held annually at Lincoln Hills Golf Club since 2016.

Both programs were in need according to Dr. Kyle Corlett, superintendent. The band program needed a new trailer to transport equipment to various events, along with new instruments for students, Corlett said.

“Band instruments are very expensive and although many students rent their own instruments, we wanted to have instruments for students to use, especially the larger ones,” he said. “Choir had a wish list of items such as a new platform system, piano restoration, and sheet music. The amount of funds raised (through Dancing with the Local Stars) will help these programs for years to come and allow the teachers to focus on supporting students rather than fundraising.”

Both band director, Keith Kuczynski, and choir director, Elliot Plummer said they are grateful for the funding which will be beneficial for students in their programs.

The funds will support student musicians in several ways according to Kuczynaki.

The funds will allow the program to continue purchasing new music for all five areas of study: wind symphony, marching, jazz and pep bands as well as solo & ensemble events.

“The funds will allow the program to provide needed repairs to existing equipment, provide support to student musicians through scholarships for lessons, summer music camps, band trips, clinics and bringing master musicians into the classroom,” Kuczynski said.

There are currently 225 students in grades six through 12 who participate in the band program at LASD.

Kuczynski said the funds have already helped the band program this year by providing instruments and accessories to students who may not have had an opportunity prior to the Dancing with the Local Stars donations.

“It is such an honor when speaking with future musicians and being able to say that everyone is able to start studying instrumental music regardless of financial standing,” he said. “I think music brings everyone together. Nearly every group, club and sport is represented in our program. This togetherness provides an incredible example of everyone working, shuttering, and succeeding together.”

Kuczynski said he believes this act of generosity will not only impact his program for years to come but every program within the LASD community.

“The impact is immeasurable and because of the generosity of our community we will continue to serve every student by giving all who choose, an opportunity to explore music.”

“All those involved chose, in a big way, to place value on the performing arts,” said Plummer. “Their patronage means more to me, and my students, than just dollar amounts. Ludington is a remarkable place with students who are capable of remarkable things. Supporting, and continuing to support, our band and choir programs in this way will help cement a legacy of excellence in our great community.”

During the choirs’ winter concert members of the Arts Chorale were wearing new uniforms that were purchased with funds from the event.

The program has already made a few large purchases, according to Plummer.

“New uniforms for our varsity choir, Arts Chorale, and a new StageRight riser system for the choir room. Beyond those large items, we have purchased more than 1,000 music envelopes so that we can store and file our choir library music effectively.”

Another notable purchase the choir program is pursuing is to commission composer Jeffery Cobb to revise the LHS alma mater.

“We would love to inject some new life into the LHS alma mater by having it re-envisioned with a fresh text and melody,” Plummer said.

As in many performing arts programs the choir program provided students with a chance to express and explore shared human experiences, according to Plummer.

“In the vocal arts, we learn the importance and value of our voices (both literally and figuratively). Students develop the discipline of singing well, and hopefully walk away with a lifelong skill and love of song,” Plummer said. “Within the decade that I’ve been teaching at O.J. DeJonge Middle School and Ludington High School never has this much money been raised for the choir program. We have done two smaller fundraisers on our own, but at most, we’ve brought in $5,000 to $7,000. This was a massive, and unprecedented blessing for our young vocalists.”

This year local star participants included John and Anita Wilson, Brandon and Christie Riemer, Chris and Jen Tooman, Joe Gill, Kerry Newberg, Rich and Beth Kirby, Mark and Toonie Thomson. Choreography was provided by Katelin Anderson, Alissa Bly, Keylee Malt, Cara Mitchell and Ainsley Dragun and emcee Kaley Petersen.

“Dancing with the Local Stars” began in 2016. In its inaugural year the event, along with a match from Pennies from Heaven Foundation, raised nearly $280,000.

Twice a year the Oriole Foundation awards grants to LASD teachers who have applied to cover or partially cover projects that might not otherwise be covered by state funding. Some grants in the past have covered items such as alternative seating, science equipment and this year to continue aiding its exceptional band and choir programs.

Oriole Foundation President Kyle Gurzynski said prior to the event in October that he was thankful to have so many brave community members who were willing to step out on the dance floor in support of the foundation.

“The Oriole Foundations does so much to support innovative programs and unique educational needs for students in our community,” he said.

The 2024 event, along with a donation from Pennies from Heaven, raised more than $88,000, earmarked for the band and choir programs.

According to Gurzynski the foundation board of directors discusses recommendations from LASD superintendent and teacher liaisons on the board.

During the event both the LHS band and choir programs were represented on stage performing for the crowd.

“The LHS Band and Choir performed and sounded amazing,” said Superintendent Corlett. “Their performance put on display exactly what the fundraising goes to.”


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