Photo from company website
LUDINGTON — Stearns Park and the Ludington State Park will soon each have a new life saving device that is intended to be used in case of swimmer emergencies. The Emergency, Integrated, Lifesaving Lanyard (EMILY), is a high-tech piece of equipment designed to swiftly reach individuals in water emergencies and bring them to safety. Its manufacturer website describes it as a rescue robot. They have been purchased in partnership with the John and Anita Wilson Fund at the Community Foundation for Mason County.
“When Anita Wilson approached us about this opportunity, we were so grateful that someone was willing to step up and purchase this device,” said Ludington Police Chief Chris Jones. “We can train our teams and be ready for a quick response. We want to do what we can to help prevent more unfortunate losses from those enjoying our beaches, whether locals or visitors.”
Anita Wilson said she approached Chief Jones about the EMILY device after reading an article about a community that suffered a loss from drowning, and the victim’s family purchased the device for the community in the wake of their loss.
“My kids grew up learning water safety and what to watch for in Lake Michigan,” Wilson said. “But even now, as adults, they recognize how the beach has changed. There has been an increase in beach hazards and drownings,” said Wilson. “I was all in. I want to help make our beaches safe whether kids or visitors who aren’t as aware of the power of Lake Michigan.”
The EMILY was invented in 2010. It weighs 26 pounds and can operate at speeds up to 23 mph. It is 50 inches long and 14 inches wide and can operate for up to 14 minutes.
Two additional organizations were involved in acquiring the devices, the Friends of Ludington Police and Friends of Ludington State Park.
“Every year, over 900,000 individuals visit the Ludington State Park,” said Patrick O’Hare, president of Friends of Ludington State Park. “This device will give the LSP staff and first responders another option when responding to water emergencies. If this device helps in the rescue of just one person, it will have been worth it. We are thankful to the Wilsons for their willingness to fund the purchase of these devices and their commitment to improving the lives of people in our community.”
On July 9, 2024 Mark Scholes, a 44-year-old middle school principal, father, and husband, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, died while swimming in the outlet of the Big Sable River at Ludington State Park. Scholes is among several people who have died at the outlet in the past several years.
Jones said local first responders will be trained to use the devices. The primary first responder units that respond to emergencies in those two areas including Ludington Police Department, Mason County Sheriff’s Office, Ludington Fire Department, Hamlin Fire Department, Michigan Department of Natural Resources law enforcement and LSP personnel, and Life EMS.
The two devices will officially be accepted on Thursday, August 29, at 7:45 p.m. at the Sunset Bonfire on Stearns Beach. One of the EMILY devices will be demonstrated in Lake Michigan.
Read more here.
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