Beth Hand
This is a paid posting. Paid for by Committee to Elect Beth Hand Prosecutor, PO Box 86, Custer, MI 49405.
My name is Beth Hand, Republican candidate for Mason County Prosecuting Attorney and I am asking for your vote on August 6. I have been attempting to personally introduce myself to as many of you as possible by going door to door throughout the county and I will continue to do so. In case I have missed you, I am asking you to please take the time to learn a little more about me before casting your vote in this election.
As a veteran prosecutor with over 31 years of experience, I am the change and the experience Mason County needs! It has been my honor and pleasure to be a public servant since 1992 and I still have more to give. Mason County needs change in the form of more accountability for those who violate our laws and a strong, dedicated, and capable advocate for the victims of crime. I have recently been appointed to fill the vacancy of the former prosecutor by the 51st Circuit Court Judge. I have been endorsed in this election by Sheriff Kim Cole, the Michigan Fraternal Order of Police, Right to Life of Michigan, the Michigan Association of Police Organizations, and the Teamsters Local 214 who represent our corrections officers. I am the only candidate who has been given these law enforcement endorsements.
In addition to reviewing my resume below, please visit my Facebook page, Beth Hand for Mason County Prosecutor and/or my webpage at BethHandforprosecutor.org and see why I am truly Tried. Tested. Trusted.
Beth M. Hand, Esq.
Mason County Prosecutor’s Office Ludington, Michigan
Prosecuting Attorney, May 31, 2024 – present
- Review investigative reports for possible issuance of charges
- Appear in court on misdemeanors, felonies, juvenile petitions, and mental health hearings
- Handle all types of criminal cases from commencement through trial, sentencing and appeal, if necessary
- Supervise office staff, review budget needs and many other administrative duties
- On call 24/7 to assist law enforcement officers
Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, January 2021-May 2024
- Supervise assistant prosecuting attorney and support staff
- Oversee the day to day operations of the office in the absence of the elected official.
- Handle all types of criminal matters from charging through disposition and appeals.
Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office Pontiac, Michigan
Leader-Narcotics Section, January 2001-January 2021
- Supervise a team of assistant prosecutors and one support staff member.
- Liaison between prosecutor’s office and sheriff’s multi-jurisdictional drug task force.
- Mentored section members in trial preparation and advocacy skills.
- Ensured section prosecutors were informed of changes in case law, statutes, court rules, and rules of evidence.
Member-Narcotics Section, April 1996-January 2021
In addition to supervisory duties, responsibilities include:
- Vertical prosecution of felonies involving major controlled substance offenses, including multi-defendant conspiracy cases.
- Prosecution of weapons offenses, criminal enterprises, homicides, armed robberies, home invasions, assault with intent to murder, assaults on police officers and other crimes.
- Litigated thousands of cases commencing with preliminary examinations through disposition in circuit court, including district court appeals.
- Assisted in drafting and reviewing search warrants.
- Provided guidance to law enforcement agents during investigations on proper legal procedures.
Circuit Court Division, July 1995-March 1996
- Handled a docket of nearly 300 felony cases from arraignment stage through sentencing.
District Court Division, January 1993-June 1995
- Conducted felony preliminary examinations.
- Handled evidentiary hearings and bench and jury trials in misdemeanor cases.
Warrants Division, October 1992-December 1992
- Reviewed law enforcement requests for felony and misdemeanor arrest warrants.
J.D., Cum Laude, University of Detroit Law, May 1992
Internship – United States Attorney’s Office
Clerk – Scott K. Lites and Associates
B.A., Cum Laude, Psychology, Kalamazoo College, June 1989
Internship – Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office
Runner – Clark, Hardy, Lewis and Page PC
State Bar of Michigan, November 1992-present
Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, November 1992- present
Mason-Lake Bar Association December 2023- present
National Association of District Attorneys Career Prosecution Course, 1996
National Association of District Attorneys Narcotics Prosecution Course, 1997
National Association of District Attorneys Experience Prosecutors Course, 2002
Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Professional Excellence Citation and Commendation Award, 2004
Homeland Security Investigations, Ohio and Michigan Commendation, 2013
Instructor Oakland Police Academy, 2002-2020
Speaker – West Bloomfield High School (Raves and Club Drugs), 2001
Instructor for Pontiac Vice and Crime Area Target Team (CATT), 2003
Speaker – South Lyon Coalition Against Substance Abuse, 2003
Past Instructor Drug Enforcement Administration Basic Narcotics School, 2005
Instructor Michigan State Police Advanced Narcotics School, 2006-2020
Speaker – Michigan Judicial Institute Jury Management Seminar, 2011
Panel Speaker – League of Woman Voters Oakland Area: The Impact of Medical Marijuana Law on Local Communities, 2011
Drug Enforcement Administration Jet way/Pipeline Seminar Instructor, 2015
Instructor Fortis Group – Surveillance – Application to Courtroom Testimony, 2016-2017
Instructor National District Attorneys Association – Career Prosecutor Course, June 2016, 2020
Instructor National District Attorneys Association – Prosecuting Drug Cases, 2016, 2017, 2019
Presenter Narcotics Investigators Information Sharing Conference, 2022