LUDINGTON — A 48-year-old woman received a delayed sentence in Mason County’s 51st Circuit Court Tuesday, March 19, for a conviction of embezzlement between $1,000 to $20,000.
Tanya Renee Oleniczak pleaded guilty to the charge, Jan. 30.
If Oleniczak abides by the terms of her probation, she can plead to a reduced misdemeanor charge. Her final sentencing is set for Jan 16, 2025.
“She readily admitted her guilt in this case,” said defense attorney Michael Brown, who added that his client has no prior convictions.
The sentence follows a negotiated plea agreement with the victim in the case, Snyder’s Shoes in downtown Ludington, said Mason County Assistant Prosecutor Beth Hand. “The victim is asking for restitution to pay during probation,” said Hand.
“I’m just thankful for the opportunity to not have a felony on my record, and I’m sorry for all the turmoil I caused through my own stupidity,” said Oleniczak.
Judge Susan K. Sniegowski ordered an 11-month delayed sentence, which includes two days jail with credit for two days served and $1,218 in restitution. Oleniczak is also prohibited from entering the store.
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