Becky Lederer
By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief
LUDINGTON — Ludington-based attorney Becky Lederer announced her candidacy for the Republican nomination for Mason County prosecutor. Lederer, who resides in Branch Township, has been a court-appointed defense attorney since 2006, serving in Mason, Manistee, and Lake counties.
“I have worked in every aspect of both criminal and family courts, except in prosecution,” Lederer said. “I believe I have the experience to serve as prosecutor. I have represented defendants in the criminal court. I have also served in all capacities — except as prosecutor — in children’s abuse and neglect cases. I have even been a foster parent as well.”
Lederer is a 1999 graduate of Mason County Eastern High School. She has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Spring Arbor College and earned her law degree at Cooley Law School in Lansing, passing the bar in 2007.
“I have lived in Mason County most of my adult life, and grew up just on the other side of the county line in Lake County,” Lederer said. “This is my home and I am proud to have served the residents of this county for the last 17 years. I am now ready to take on the role as the elected prosecutor.
“As the prosecutor, I would like to establish an open line of communication with defense attorneys,” Lederer said. “I think this would be a key element to assure efficiency in our courts and also to follow the Sixth Amendment mandate of providing a defendant with a speedy trial.”
Lederer is the second attorney to announce the intention to run for the top law enforcement position in Mason County. Current Mason County Prosecutor Lauren Kreinbrink, also a Republican, has not confirmed that she is seeking re-election. MCP has attempted several times to contact her in the past three weeks but has not received a response. The deadline for filing a petition for the Aug. 6 primary election is 4 p.m. on April 23.
If there is more than one candidate running for either the Republican or Democratic party, the nominee from each party will be decided during the Aug. 6 primary with the final candidate chosen during the Nov. 5 General Election.
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