Pastor Brad Chadonnet
Gospel Light Baptist Church celebrates 20 years
By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief
AMBER TOWNSHIP — Gospel Light Baptist Church will celebrate 20 years this weekend with a special worship service. Located at 105 N. Dennis Rd., the church was founded in October 2003 by Brad Chandonnet, who had recently completed his master’s degree in seminary.
“My wife Jeanna and I were both taking classes in Florida,” Pastor Chadonnet said. “She was completing her nursing degree and I was finishing seminary when my home church, in Flushing, Michigan, reached out that it was exploring a church plant near Ludington.”
Chandonnet said the church was the result of two families that had been gathering weekly and praying for a new church.
The Chandonnets relocated and took a leap of faith. The building had originally been built as the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It later was used as the original location of the Dunes school, an alternative high school education program that was a collaboration between Mason County Central Schools and Ludington Area School District.
On Sunday, Oct. 15, the church will celebrate with a special service beginning at 10:30 a.m. A luncheon will follow.
“We have invited a lot of people who have been part of this ministry for the last two decades and many will be here to celebrate with us,” Chandonnet said. “It should be a fun time to get together.”
As with most houses of worship, the congregation has changed over the years.
“There are always ups and downs in ministry,” Chandonnet said. “Probably the most challenging time, like most churches, was COVID. I think a lot of people got used to not going to church, but we are seeing that change.”
Chandonnet describes Gospel Light Baptist Church as a simple church. “That’s by design,” he said. “Some might call us traditional. We sing hymns, we read scripture. It’s just who we are. There are different styles of worship for different people, and that’s OK.”
As the church enters into its third decade, worshippers will see a big external change, literally. The church’s parking lot will get repaved.
“That’s something that has been needed since we moved into this building,” Chandonnet said. “Five years ago the church became debt free and we have since been able to use our funds for improvements and updates.”
Last year, for example, the church’s interior was renovated, which included a new ceiling and improved lighting.
“God has been faithful to this church through the years and we are very thankful,” Chandonnet said.