Request for Proposals: Assessor Services, City of Scottville

September 11, 2023

Request for Proposals: Assessor Services, City of Scottville


The City of Scottville seeks a qualified individual or firm to serve as Assessor for the City of Scottville, to work on a part-time contractual basis. The City invites interested Assessors and or/or firms with Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer (MAOO) Level 3 or higher and a minimum of three years of municipal experience representing municipal or other government entities in the State of Michigan, to submit a written proposal to provide Assessor services.

Pursuant to the City Charter, the Assessor will possess all the powers vested in, and shall be charged with all the duties imposed upon assessing officers by statute. They shall prepare all regular and special assessment rolls in the manner prescribed by this charter, by ordinance and by statute. They shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed for them in this charter, by the Commission or by the City Manager. The Assessor reports directly to the City Manager, and is expected to work closely with the City Clerk and Treasurer. The contract offered will be for a period of three (3) years, with an option for additional 1-year renewal.

Scope of Work

  1. Explain assessing practices and procedures as necessary.
  2. Plan, supervise, and participate in the appraisal, re-appraisal, and assessment of all real and personal properties in the City in accordance with state law and the City Charter.
  3. Maintain all of the City’s assessment rolls, including ad valorem, specific tax rolls (IFTs, PILOTs, DDA TIF, Brownfield TIFs, CRA, NEZ), and special assessments in order to ensure compliance with state law and the City Charter.
  4. Track captured values in the tax capture districts. Keep the property record field cards up-to- date.
  5. Prepare annual assessment notices and provide a digital copy to the City for printing and mailing.
  6. In consultation with City staff, perform land division and combinations as necessary, complying with the State’s Land Division Act and County procedures for land divisions.
  7. Analyze property sales of all property classes within the City to determine property values and appropriate assessment adjustments, including vacant land values.
  8. Update and appraise all new construction to determine true cash value and establish new property assessments.
  9. Process all Principle Residence Exemptions (PREs), rescissions, and Property Transfer Affidavits.
  10. Review, provide critical projections, and assist City Staff in processing applications for Commercial Rehabilitation Act (CRA) tax abatement certificates and Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificates, and other special act properties as needed.
  11. Process all poverty exemption applications and present to the Board of Adjustment for final action. 
  12. File all necessary State and County reports pertaining to the Assessment and Tax Rolls.
  13. Annually prepare a report regarding the status of the Assessing Department and the Assessment Roll(s) and present it to City Commission. Attend City Commission and/or committee meetings on an as needed basis.
  14. Update City personnel with pertinent information on all name and address changes made to the database(s).
  15. Keep records up to date with new street addresses, as assigned by the Zoning Administrator.
  16. Process Personal Property Statements, including conducting an annual inspection to ensure an up-to-date list of personal property.
  17. Act as the City’s liaison in communicating with the public and other governmental agencies on assessing issues. Respond to inquiries from the public, title companies, real estate agents, and other parties regarding assessing issues.
  18. Represent the City in defense of existing and future assessment appeals to the Board of Review, the Small Claims division of the Michigan Tax Tribunal, and the full Michigan Tax Tribunal. Coordinate with the City’s attorney in the defense of those appeals.
  19. Prepare changes to the assessment roll based on decisions of the Board of Review, Small Claims Division, and/or Michigan Tax Tribunal.
  20. Coordinate with City staff to schedule the Board of Review meetings at City Hall and post the public notices. Assessor shall be Clerk of the Board and shall be entitled to be heard at its sessions, but shall have no vote.
  21. Represent the City of Scottville on the Mason County Board of Supervisors, as appointed. If unable to perform the duties of his office for any reason, the Commission may appoint such other person or officer as may be permitted by statute to serve in his stead, either temporarily or permanently.


  1. The Assessor must be proficient in BS&A software. Familiarity with GIS mapping is preferred, but not required. 
  2. The City will offer a workspace for Assessor at City Hall. The Assessor is minimally expected to visit City Hall monthly for coordination, maintenance of files, and quarterly attendance is required at City Commission meetings. 
  3. Service and timeliness of response is of high importance. The Assessor shall provide a phone and e-mail address at which they may be contacted by City staff and members of the public, including a minimum of three hours per week during normal business hours where they are available to meet in person. All phone calls and e-mails are expected to be returned within two business days. 

Statement of Qualifications 

Assessors or firms wishing to submit proposals should meet the following minimum requirements and provide a statement indicating how they meet these requirements:

  • Possess Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer (MAOO) Level 3 or higher certification.
  • Demonstrate a minimum of three years of municipal experience representing municipal or other government entities in the State of Michigan.


Proposals should provide a straightforward and concise summation of qualifications, adequate to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content. The City Commission requires that all proposals contain the following elements:

  • Summaries of Experience and Qualifications
  • Summary of Method of Performance
  • Identification of Conflict of Interest 
  • Proposed Compensation, preferably structured as a quarterly payment. Where any services are specified on an hourly basis, provide the billing rate of the lead Assessor and all other staff expected to perform work under the contract.

The City will consider those contractors that, in its sole judgment, demonstrate the skills and abilities to develop effective working relationships with the staff, officials, and public.


Nine copies of the proposal are due to the City Manager no later than 4:00pm on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023. Documents can be mailed or hand-delivered to:

Jimmy Newkirk, City Manager

City of Scottville

105 N Main Street

Scottville, MI 49455

Submissions could be contained in a sealed package or envelope. The exterior of the package or envelope should clearly be labeled “City Assessor RFP”. 


Questions regarding the RFP should be directed to Jimmy Newkirk, City Manager, at or by calling 231.757.4729. 

This is a paid posted. Posted Sept. 11 to 20, 2023.