MCC High School Principal Jeff Tuka
VIDEO: MCC Bond Chat: Principal Jeff Tuka talks about the AO Carlson Gym

Arnold O. Carlson
SCOTTVILLE — Mason County Central High School’s A.O. Carlson Gymnasium opened in 1959. It is named after Arnold O. Carlson, the district’s first superintendent who was instrumental in creating Mason County Central and campaigning the community for a new high school in 1957. For 48 years the gym saw epic athletic competitions between the Mason County Central Spartans and their rivals. For 64 years it has also served as the school’s performing arts center — on a stage at the end of the east end of the gym. Most other schools in the West Michigan Conference now have performing arts centers. But, MCC still uses the old stage. In 2007, when a new gym was built onto the high school, the arts continued to use the old gym. MCC High School Principal Jeff Tuka talks about the need to restore the AO Carlson Gym into a full auxiliary gym and to build a separate center for the arts. On May 2, voters in the MCC district will be asked to approve a 1.6 mill bond increase that will raise $31.54 million. If passed, the bond would focus on facility upgrades that will focus on safety, security, and bringing the school up to date in 21st century learning.
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For more information on the Mason County Central bond proposal, click here.