Today is Election Day: Polls open until 8 p.m.

May 3, 2022

Today is Election Day: Polls open until 8 p.m.

MCC, LASD, City of Ludington, KND elections today.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

Today is election day for voters in Mason County Central School District, Ludington Area School District, the City of Ludington, and Kaleva Norman Dickson School District. Those ballot topics are:

Mason County Central School District (read here for more details): Authorizing a millage rate of 1.95 mills for erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to school facilities; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school facilities; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school facilities; erecting, furnishing, and equipping a stadium restroom building; and remodeling, preparing, developing, improving, and equipping playgrounds, play fields, athletic fields, athletic facilities, and sites. The estimated millage that will be levied for the proposed bonds in 2022, under current law, is 1.95 mills ($1.95 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). The maximum number of years the bonds of any series may be outstanding, exclusive of any refunding, is 25 years. The estimated simple average annual millage anticipated to be required to retire this bond debt is 3.77 mills ($3.77 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). The bond is expected to raise $33,636,000.

Ludington Area School District (read here for more details): Authorization of a millage rate of .25 mill ($0.25 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) which may be assessed against all property in Ludington Area School District, renewed for a period of 10 years, 2023 to 2032, inclusive, to continue to provide for a sinking fund for the construction or repair of school buildings and all other purposes authorized by law; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2023 is approximately $369,565. The current millage will expire with the 2022 tax levy.

City of Ludington: A resolution to propose a general revision of the city charter (read more details here). Voters will also be asked to select nine people to serve on the charter commission. Currently there are four candidates, who filed to be on the ballot, for the nine-person charter commission. These names will appear on the May 3 ballot: Mark Barnett, Nicholas Krieger, Jack Stibitz, Mike Winczewski.

In addition, seven other candidates have officially stated their intention with the city clerk to be write-in candidates. They include: Dennis Dunlap, Nancy Anthony Fife, Brian Koblinski, Lyla McClelland, Karen Nielsen, and Thomas Rotta, and Michael Shaw.

If the charter revision question is defeated the charter commission will be voided.

Kaleva Norman Dickson School District: Some properties in Meade Township are part of the KND School District. The district is seeking asking its millage rate limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Kaleva Norman Dickson School District, Manistee, Lake and Mason Counties, Michigan, be renewed by 18.3867 mills ($18.3867 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of five years, 2023 to 2027, inclusive, and also be increased by .3413 mill ($0.3413 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of five years, 2023 to 2027, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and 18 mills are levied in 2023 is approximately $2,525,000 (this is a renewal of millage that will expire with the 2022 levy and a restoration of millage lost as a result of the reduction required by the “Headlee” amendment to the Michigan Constitution of 1963).

Where to vote: Voters must vote in the district they live. With the exception of the City of Ludington and Pere Marquette Township, most areas within the county have one polling place per municipality. Polls are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. 

Mason County Central School District voters (Mason County Central includes Mason, Lake, and Oceana counties):

Mason County:

  • Amber Township, Amber Township Hall, 171 S. Amber Rd.
  • Branch Township, Branch Township Hall, 6688 First St., Walhalla.
  • Custer Township, Custer Township Hall, 1950 E. US 10.
  • Eden Township, Eden Township Hall, 3369 E. Hawley Rd.
  • Free Soil Township, Grant Township Hall, 843 W. Hoague Rd.
  • Grant Township, Grant Township Hall, 843 W. Hoague Rd.
  • Logan Township, Carr Community Fire Department, 3975 S. Tyndall Rd.
  • Riverton Township, Riverton Township Hall, 2122 W. Hawley Rd.
  • Sherman Township, Sherman Township Hall, 3854 Main St., Fountain
  • Victory Township, Victory Township Hall, 4411 N. Stiles Rd.
  • City of Scottville, Scottville City Hall, 105 N. Main St.

Oceana County:

  • Weare Township Hall, 6506 N. Oceana Dr.

Lake County:

  • Lake Township, 15580 Star Lake Dr.
  • Sweetwater Township, Branch Township Hall, 6688 First St., Walhalla.

Ludington Area School District voters

  • Amber Township, Amber Township Hall, 171 S. Amber Rd.
  • Hamlin Township, Hamlin Township Hall, 3775 N. Jebavy Dr.
  • Pere Marquette Township,
    • Precinct 1: Pere Marquette Township Hall, 1699 S. Pere Marquette Highway
    • Precinct 2: Calvary Baptist Church, 220 N. Jebavy Dr.
  • Riverton Township, Riverton Township Hall, 2122 W. Hawley Rd.

Summit Township, Summit Township Hall, 4879 W. Deren Rd.

City of Ludington (note that these locations are only for the May 3 election).

  • Ward 1L Ludington City Hall Community Room, 400 S. Harrison St.
  • Ward 2: L.F. Peterson Auditorium, 508 N. Washington Ave. (enter in the back)
  • Ward 3: City Hall Council Chambers, 400 S. Harrison St.
  • Ward 4: Danish Brotherhood, 1014 S. Madison St.
  • Ward 5: Ludington Fire Department, 918 E. Tinkham Ave.
  • Ward 6: Emanuel Lutheran Church, 501 E. Danaher St.

City of Ludington voters, see above.

Kaleva Norman Dickson School District voters

  • Meade Township, Meade Township Hall, 5435 E. Free Soil Rd.

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