Ludington elementary observe Earth Day cleaning up trash.
By Kate Krieger, MCP Staff Writer
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PERE MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP – Today, all across the country people are doing things to help the environment in celebration of Earth Day. This year marks the 52nd anniversary of the movement, which was started in 1970. The idea came about from Wisconsin junior senator, Gaylord Nelson, who was interested in holding informational sessions to college students about water and air pollution.
This year, students all over the country are helping keep the traditions of Earth Day alive by doing little things around their communities.
Ludington Elementary School students participated this year by picking up trash around the new school.
“Each grade level was split up and given a section to focus on,” second grade teacher Traci King said. “We are working with Mr. Jensen’s class and we have been assigned the area along Bryant Road in front of the school and then along Jebavy Drive.”
Students and staff were given a police escort while cleaning up the areas along the roadways. Students worked in teams of two to gather trash, one student gathering, one student in charge of the bag.
“Earth day is really important,” second grader Mia Soper said. “It’s good to help out to save the Earth and to help all the animals.”
Classmate Jack Provenzano agreed, “We celebrate Earth Day at home, too,” he said. “Each year, we plants trees in our yard for Earth Day, also because we are short of them.”
Only having been out collecting for under a half hour, the students had already collected bags garbage bags full of trash along Bryant Road.
“I feel that it’s so important to teach the kids at a young age to take care of the environment,” King said. “We have done something like this every year at the old schools and I’m so glad the district is continuing to event at the new school. The coolest thing for me has been that a lot of my students this year and in the past have told me that they’re already doing this with their families on Earth Day and just in their everyday lives. That really made me happy to hear.”
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