Grigg addresses the court.
Man sentenced to prison for meth delivery and assaulting police.
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By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
LUDINGTON — A 25-year-old man currently serving a prison sentence at the Oaks Correctional Facility in Manistee was sentenced to additional prison time in 51st Circuit Court Tuesday, March 1.
Garrett Norman Grigg was ordered to serve concurrent terms of 100 months to 30 years in prison for a conviction of delivery/manufacture of methamphetamine and 24-30 months in prison for three counts of assaulting/resisting/obstructing police. Grigg received credit for three days served.
Grigg, whose most recent address was listed as South Boardman, Michigan, came to the Ludington area and stayed at a motel, said Mason County Assistant Prosecutor Beth Hand. He would travel to the Bay City area to pick up drugs and bring them back to the Ludington area.
In a seven-day period, he traveled every day to pick up drugs, said Hand. Grigg was on probation for third-degree attempted criminal sexual conduct when he committed the drug offense. He has four prior felony convictions and eight prior misdemeanors, she added.
In a plea agreement, Grigg’s habitual offender designation was reduced from fourth-offense to second-offense.
“The court is aware of the methamphetamine epidemic we’re currently in,” said the assistant prosecutor, noting that Grigg was “making multiple trips across the state to pick up methamphetamine and bring it to Mason County.”
“Prior to these charges, instead of facing these problems and getting help and doing things properly, I took the easier route in my life and made things harder,” said Grigg. “I ran from my problems, and I used hard drugs heavily in an attempt to escape from my emotions and the reality of things that happened. Not only did these drugs make me not feel, but they really clouded my judgment, and I made very impulsive and irrational decisions under the influence of these drugs. But worst of all, I was very selfish and inconsiderate to other people and those around me. And my poor decisions affected them and their lives, too. I’m not trying to minimize, justify or make any excuses. The things I did were wrong, and I take full accountability and accept the consequences beyond my actions. I’ve been locked up since this case for about two years now. And throughout my time, I‘ve done a lot of reflecting of myself and understanding all the ways that I’ve messed up and the choices I’ve made and ways that I went wrong. I’ve been addressing and actively seeking out proper help to get better tools and resources for my life once I do get out.”
Grigg said he is currently taking substance courses and counseling in prison and is on a waiting list to take vocational training and college courses.
“I’m not claiming to be reformed or that I’ve got it all figured out, because I haven’t.”
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