Possible auditorium configuration.
MCC to hold community forum Wednesday, discuss possible bond..
Spartan News is a presentation of Mason County Central Schools in partnership with Mason County Press.
By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.
SCOTTVILLE — Mason County Central Schools will host a community forum on Wednesday, Oct. 27 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the high school cafeteria. The forum will be a continuation of a series of forums that began in the summer to discuss future facility needs of the school district.
The meeting can also be viewed live online by scanning the code below.
To date, bond discussions have centered around addressing facilities, including updating portions of the high school that have seen little updates since the building was completed in 1959, plus updates to all the buildings in the district, along with construction of a performing arts center (auditorium) at the high school.
Superintendent Jeff Mount said the district’s administrative team and the board of education’s building and grounds committee have identified several areas of the district that are in need. Buildings such as the high school, Scottville Elementary, and the middle school, have had updates over the years, since they were built. However, the last updates were about 15 years ago, with the exception of recent updates to every building’s energy efficiency.
High School, built in 1959. Since it was built, the high school has seen renovations. The band room was renovated in the mid-1990s. “C” Hall (the western hall that runs north-south), was renovated in 2006, along with the cafeteria. At that time A.O. Carlson Gymnasium was turned into a multi-purpose space, which included using it as an auxiliary gym and a performance space. In addition, a new gym was built in 2006 and the front entrance was updated. The Central Business Office was also added onto the northeast portion of the high school, a partial conversion from the old metals shop. Updates were limited to areas that included “A” Hall, the east hall that runs north-south, “B” Hall, the north hall that runs east-west, the kitchen, the library, the home economics room, the wood shop and the administrative offices.
Possible updates are estimated to cost $4.2 million and include:
- Secured entry (while the entrance is currently secured, more layers of protection are needed).
- Updating of “B Hall” corridor and classrooms (including the library), which have had very little updates since 1959. B Hall is the hall located on the north side of the building that runs east and west.
- Modernize the home economics space
- Bathroom renovations in B Hall
- Select infrastructure updates
- Improve traffic
Scottville Elementary (lower elementary), built in 1951. As with the high school, Scottville Elementary has seen renovations since it was built. In the mid-1970s the multi-purpose room (gym/cafeteria) were built, along with the library. In 2006, the west wing and new offices were built and the original portion of the school was updated.
Possible updates are estimated to cost $1 million and include:
- •Infrastructure upgrades
- •Security cameras
- •Remove modular units
- •Building envelope repairs
- •Replace damaged ceiling tiles
- •Secured entry
Middle School, built in 1976. Various updates were made to the middle school in 2006.
- Possible updates are estimated to cost $825,000 and include:
- Secured entry
- Replace all ceiling pads and grid
- Re-purpose computer labs (labs are no longer needed since every student has a computer)
Upper Elementary, built in 2006. While the Upper Elementary is the district’s newest building, it is now 15 years old and in need of some updating. Those possible updates are estimated to cost $740,000 and include:
- Secured entry
- Replace ceiling tiles
- Replace flag pole
Victory Early Childhood Center, opened in 1955 as Victory Township Unit School, then Victory Elementary following consolidation with MCC in 1956. Became VECC in 2006. The school has had various updates over the years. A current update need is paving the school parking lot at an estimated cost of $338,000.
Bus Garage. Bus garage improvements, estimated at $128,354, would include:
- Remove current trailer and construct a permanent office.
- Parking lot improvements.
Grounds. Throughout the school’s Scottville campus, parking lots and roadways are in need of repairs and new signs are needed. Estimated costs would be $1.5 million.
Arts and Athletics. The largest cost that may be included in a bond proposal would include upgrades to A.O. Carlson auxiliary gym and the construction of a performing arts center at an estimated cost of $15 million. The performing arts center construction, which would likely be on the southeast portion of the high school, south of the current band room, would replace the school’s present administrative offices. New offices would be built south of the auditorium as part of a new main entrance.
Over the month of June, the community was asked to fill out a survey, available through the district’s website and mobile app. About 100 people filled out the survey, 70% of whom had children or grandchildren in the district; 33% were staff; and 79% had attended events at the school at least three times per year.
The following were some of the results:
- Rate the district’s academic facilities: 1-5, five being the best: 5, 12.1%; 4, 34.1%; 3, 35.2%; 2, 16.5%; 1, 2.2%.
- Do you believe that the current facilities are conducive to modern 21st century learning? 23.4%, yes; 47.9%, no; 28.7, unsure.
- Do you think there is sufficient pick-up/drop-off parking? 39.3% yes; 44%, no; 16.7%, unsure.
- Do you think there is sufficient event parking? 55.7%, yes; 33%, no; 11.4%, unsure.
- Rate the overall safety and security in the district (1-5, five being the best): 5, 20.5%; 4, 46.6%; 3, 23.9%; 2, 6.8%; 1, 2.3%.
- Rate the athletic facilities: 5, 12.1%; 4, 34.1%; 3, 35.2%; 2, 16.5%; 1, 2.2%.
- Do you support adding synthetic turf to the existing football field? 47.9%, yes; 26.6%, no; 25.5%, unsure.
- Rate the district’s art facilities: 5, 3.2%; 4, 22.6%; 3, 41.9%; 2, 27.4%; 1, 4.8%.
- Would you support creating a space that would seat 500 to 600 patrons in an auditorium style venue? 60.9%, yes; 15.2%, no; 23.9%, unsure.
- Do you believe there is a need in our community for this type of space? 65.2%, yes; 18%, no; 16.9%, unsure.
- Do you believe that the district’s site and facility needs warrant a bond proposal? 67.7%, yes; 8.5%, no; 24.5%, unsure.
- Would you support a moderate rate increase to meet these needs? 70.5%, yes; 10.5%, no; 18.9%, unsure.
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