Paulus, at left, and Reiss.
Pair arrested for breaking into school where they smoked pot, stole megaphone.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
CUSTER — Two Mason County men were arrested Wednesday night, Oct. 13, after allegedly breaking into the Mason County Eastern school where they reportedly smoked marijuana in the kitchen and stole a megaphone from the track equipment shed.
Zachary Allen Reiss, 20, 128 W. State St., Scottville, and Kyle Daniel Paulus, 18, 73 S. Main St., Custer, were arraigned Thursday, Oct. 14, on a misdemeanor count of breaking and entering without permission.
The Hart post of the Michigan State Police investigated the case and was assisted by the Mason County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit.
The men were discovered by the night maintenance supervisor who was doing his rounds shortly after 10 p.m., said Mason County Eastern Superintendent Paul Shoup. When he walked into the kitchen, the men jumped out a window in the kitchen office, and then police were called. The men were smoking pot in the kitchen.
“Maintenance goes around and checks all the facilities in the evenings,” said Shoup.
The suspects, who were on foot, were captured by police in the Village of Custer about 45 minutes after they jumped out the window.
“There was nothing removed from the kitchen, but there was damage done to the window that they came in and exited from.” The window has been secured and is in the process of being repaired.
It was discovered Thursday that they had kicked in a door to the track equipment shed on campus and stole a megaphone, which has been recovered, said Shoup. “It was delivered back to me.”
Shoup said their criminal activity is captured on the school’s video surveillance cameras.
“We’re happy there was no other significant damage or theft. Law enforcement was very quick in getting information and apprehending the individuals. I appreciate our law enforcement.”
The men’s bonds were set at $500/personal recognizance. They’re both scheduled to appear for pretrial hearings in 79th District Court Monday, Oct. 25.
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