WSCC president elected to community college association executive committee.

July 30, 2021

Scott Ward

WSCC president elected to community college association executive committee.

VICTORY TOWNSHIP — West Shore Community College President Scott Ward has been elected to the Michigan Community College Association (MCCA) executive committee.

The MCCA is an organization that fosters collaboration, connections, and partnerships among the 28 Michigan public community colleges and their stakeholders. It plays an important role in legislative and public advocacy at the state level.

The MCCA executive committee provides planning and strategic direction for the association, representing and acting for the board between meetings. Duties include recommending an annual budget to be approved by the 56-member board of directors, providing for an annual audit of all association finances, planning the events and activities of the association, and supervising and evaluating the MCCA president.

“It is an honor and privilege to serve my peers, staff, and community on this committee,” Ward said. “The work of the MCCA and its centers for excellence (Center for Student Success, Michigan Colleges Online, and the Michigan New Jobs Training Programs) is vital for stronger community colleges and services to our students and communities.”

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