Section of Ludington Petunia Parade destroyed.

July 28, 2021
Section of Ludington Petunia Parade destroyed.
LUDINGTON — A section of the Ludington Petunia Parade on South Ferry Street was destroyed over night.
“Just wanted to share some upsetting news we learned of this morning in the hopes of making a difference,” City Manager Mitch Foster wrote on the city’s Facebook page.
“When the Petunia Parade volunteers were going around watering the flowers, they noticed that an entire section of flowers were pulled along South Ferry. This was done in the middle of the night by folks who must not understand the time and effort their neighbors put in to planting, weeding, deadheading, and watering those beautiful flowers each year. It has been reported to the police in case we are able to determine who did it.
“This incident is one of blatant disregard for the hard work of volunteers and without care for the community. I’d ask that we all continue to care for one another, the work we each do to make this City better, and speak up if we see something wrong.
“Thank you all for your time, consider saying thank you to the Petunia Parade volunteers today, and have a better day.”
Anyone with information should contact Mason-Oceana 911 at 231-869-5858.

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