79th District Court news, posted May 13, 2021.
By Alan Neushwander. Contributing Writer.
The following recent activity took place in 79th District Court.

-Russell Warren Petersen, 50, of 902 N. Washington Ave., Apt. B1, Ludington, was arrested May 7 by the Ludington Police Department (LPD) on a felony charge of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct. Probable cause hearing: May 19 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $7,500/10 percent.
-Robert Allen Gramza, 55, of 206 Cleveland St., Manistee; May 6; MCSO; operating a vehicle with blood alcohol content of .17 or more. Pretrial: June 7 at 1 p.m. Bail: $250 cash.
-Shannon George Courtland, 32, of 2190 N. Lasalle Rd., Victory Township, pleaded guilty March 16 to second-offense operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) and was sentenced to 28 days in jail with credit for 28 days served; one year discretionary jail for one year; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs; must attend Victim’s Impact Panel; must continue current counseling program; and $1,070 in fines/costs. May perform community service in lieu of paying fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to Secretary of State (SOS). A charge of driving while license suspended (DWLS) was dismissed.
-Carl Lee Herring, 30, of 215 Hart St., Hart, pleaded no contest May 11 to assault and battery and was sentenced to 93 days in jail and $15 in restitution. Jail time will run concurrent to time imposed in another case.
-Mickel Edward Bogner, 27, of 5518 W. King Dr., Pere Marquette Township, pleaded guilty May 11 to failure to report an accident and was sentenced 90 days discretionary jail for one year and $310 in fines/costs. A charge of leaving the scene of an accident was dismissed.
-Stephanie Lynn Wheeler, 28, of 920 N. Harrison St., Ludington, had charges of possession of a controlled substance (ecstasy) and possession of a controlled substance narcotics/cocaine) dismissed on May 6. According to court documents, “Due to evidentiary issues in the case, the People are unable to prove the crimes charges beyond a reasonable doubt.”
-Elrico James Brooks, 41, of 823 N. Benson Rd., Branch Township, had a charge of DWLS dismissed without prejudice on May 12.
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