MCC superintendent says school will remain open.
SCOTTVILLE — Following a press conference from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer calling on high schools to voluntarily close due to an increase in statewide COVID-19 cases, Mason County Central Schools Superintendent Jeff Mount said MCC will remain open.
Mount addressed the residents of the school district on its website this afternoon:
“Dear MCC School Family,
“Today, the Governor and MDHHS (Michigan Department of Health and Human Services) encouraged high schools to pause all face to face activities (including sports) for two weeks. Unlike the December mandatory shutdown of our high school, this was a recommendation.
“Since coming back from spring break we have seen five positive cases here at Mason County Central Schools with two of those cases happening in the high school. At this time, our number of cases do not justify the need to pause our face to face instruction and shutdown our athletics for two weeks.
“While that time may come if the circumstances change, we learned from the mandatory December shutdown that such a pivot to online instruction had a detrimental impact on many of our high school students’ academic progress. We do not want to repeat such a mistake… and this time, it would be voluntary.
“So, we will continue to stay the course but ask that all of you double down on your efforts to monitor your family’s health and do the morning health checks before coming to school. If a student has any of the symptoms: Fever, sore throat, cough/shortness of breath, diarrhea/vomiting, or headache, please stay home and get a COVID test. Coming to school could cause the illness to spread and/or require unnecessary quarantines for others.
“In the meantime, Mason County Central Schools will continue to work hard on our end to provide a clean, healthy and safe learning environment. Stay healthy and strong Spartans.”
MCC has had a total of 36 COVID-19-related cases, among students and adults, since the beginning of the school year in September 2020.
Ludington Area School District cancelled classes today, Friday, April 9, and Monday, April 12. Pentwater Public School has cancelled classes through Wednesday, April 14.
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