Lorna Jean Dumas
Obituary: Lorna Dumas, 86, Ludington.
Lorna Jean Dumas (Howe), 86, of Ludington passed away on Friday, November 20, 2020. Lorna was born on October 18, 1934, in Scottville, the daughter of Everett and Ruth (Hapner) Dumas, and graduated from Scottville High School with the class of 1952. The following year she married Leonard Howe and they celebrated the births of two daughters, Susie and Kerry.
Lorna worked as a legal secretary for the law firm of Jennings-DeVries-Gockerman in Manistee before moving back to Scottville and working at the Mason County District Library from 1995-2007. She loved her time working at the library and interacting with so many individuals. Lorna also worked in the bakery at Foster’s Market in Scottville for a short time before her retirement. Her greatest joy was found in being a “great homemaker.” She and Leonard had a beautiful Victorian home in Manistee and Lorna loved being a mom to her daughters and hostess to many friends and family members who would stay with them from time to time. She possessed a very kind, giving, and generous spirit; her home was always welcome to anyone.
Lorna was preceded in death by her parents Everett and Ruth Dumas and by her daughter Kerry Howe in 2019. She will be greatly missed by her daughter Susie Howe of Louisville, Colo.; her grandchildren Ashley (Lucas) Brys of Magalia, Cali., and their children Eva and Rohan, Sgt. Christopher (Ladda) Viger of Westminster, Colo. and their daughter Eleanor, Bobby (Kim Kent) Nothnagle of Middleton, Cali., and Riley Nothnagle of Lower Lake, Cali.; her sister Sharon (Mark) Engwall of Morristown, Tenn.; her former husband Leonard (Marlys) Howe of Manistee and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.
A memorial to celebrate Lorna’s life will be held in the summer of 2021. Those who wish to remember Lorna with a memorial —donation now are asked to donate a bag of groceries to a local food bank in her memory, as she would consider that a kind and generous gift.
Please visit Lorna’s memory page at www.wymanfuneralservice.com