Curt VanderWall
Vanderwall calls on governor to rescind new orders.
LANSING — After the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on Thursday revised and extended its epidemic order to require masks in schools, to require bars and restaurants to keep customer names and contact information, to further limit outdoor gatherings, and to move the Northern Michigan region back to Phase 4, Sen. Curt VanderWall, R-Ludington, issued the following statement:
“I find it troubling that, within days of an election, Gov. Whitmer would have one of her departments issue an order with a high potential to cause confusion or fear in people who want to get to the polls.
“In addition, this order will add stress to business owners in this already fragile economy, and it will create doubt and fear in parents sending their kids to school.
“The governor continues to use fear tactics to try to influence Michiganders and the decisions they make. She continues to put Michigan residents at odds with each other and our business owners in a bad place.
“While the Supreme Court already rejected broad mandates as unconstitutional, the governor continues to impose her will upon others. These orders attempt to control behavior to a level that only creates confusion and frustration with government.
“I am upset and extremely disappointed that the governor continues to go it alone and refuses to accept the Supreme Court’s message to work together with the Legislature regarding our response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
“For months, Michigan residents have demonstrated that, through physical distancing, wearing masks and washing our hands regularly, we can work as one team to fight this virus together. In that spirit, the state Legislature has attempted to work with the governor to further protect our people and reopen Michigan safely, but she continues to act unilaterally and harm working families.
“Gov. Whitmer and her DHHS are acting recklessly and irresponsibly. She must rein in her departments and rescind this order.”