Area sees few new COVID cases.

September 29, 2020

Area sees few new COVID cases.

Over the past month there have been very few new cases of COVID-19 in Mason, Manistee, Oceana, and Lake counties. While pandemic restrictions continue, including a newly ordered mask mandate for elementary students while in the classroom, the four county area, with a total population of 92,178, has had 719 total cases since Gov. Whitmer declared a state of emergency in early March, which is .78% of the population. Of the 719 cases, there have been nine deaths and 649 recoveries. These figures do not take into account the dramatic increase in population during the summer tourist season. 

Editor’s notes: MCP/OCP last reported these figures on Sept. 9 and this report shows the difference in the last 20 days. Population information from U.S. Census Bureau. Recovered is defined as the number of persons with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis who are alive 30 days after date of confirmation.

  • Mason County, population, 29,144: 118 cases, .404% of population (112 cases reported on Sept. 9, .384%; 101 cases reported Aug. 24, .346%); 0 deaths, 0% of population, 0% of cases; 106 recoveries, 89.8% of cases.
  • Oceana County, population, 26,625; 495 cases, 1.85% of population (475 cases reported on Sept. 9, 1.78% of population; 471 cases reported Aug. 24, 1.76 percent); 6 deaths, .022 percent of population, 1.27 percent of cases (no change since Aug. 24); 468 recoveries, 94.5% of cases.
  • Manistee County, population, 24,528; 72 cases, .293% of population (62 cases reported on Sept. 9, .252% of population; 41 cases reported on Aug. 24, .167 percent); 3 deaths (2 additional deaths since Aug. 24 reporting); .012% of population, 7.31% of cases; 47 recoveries, 65.2% of cases.
  • Lake County, population, 11,881; 34 cases, .286% of population (29 cases reported on Sept. 9, .244% of population; 28 cases reported on Aug. 24, .235%); 0 deaths, 0% of population, 0% of cases; 28 recoveries, 82.3% of cases. 

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