Friday Night Live
Friday Night Live cancelled.
LUDINGTON — The 2020 Friday Night Live series has been cancelled. The The Downtown Ludington Board made the decision following its regular meeting Monday, June 1.
The event, which draws 5,000-8,000 people during three scheduled dates in July and August, would have included activities like inflatables, pony rides, rock climbing and more, in addition to live music and street food vendors. Several factors played a part in making the decision, including the difficulty of sanitizing activities that thousands of people would be in contact with and the event drawing a larger crowd than will most likely be allowed by the Governor’s executive orders, even in Phase 5 of the Safe Start Plan. Vendors who reserved booth space will be contacted and will be able to choose a refund or to defer their fees to the 2021 season.
“We’ve weighed the pros and cons of the impact on the downtown Ludington businesses, as well as the safety of our community, and the board didn’t feel that the event would be able to meet CDC guidelines.” said Jen Tooman, communications and marketing manager for the Downtown Ludington Board. “We are working on a plan to host some smaller, more manageable events throughout the summer.”
The board did approve to move forward with the Live In The Plaza night music series on Thursdays this summer, pending City Council approval on June 8. If allowed, the music series will be held in the James Street Plaza on Thursdays from 5 to 8 p.m. starting June 11 and run until September 3 — as long as people practice good pandemic manners.
The board has also started a Stay Safe To Stay Open campaign in collaboration with the Ludington & Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce and the Ludington Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. That campaign suggests that people wear masks, clean their hands, stay 6-feet apart, and be kind.
The Downtown Ludington Board is a non-profit organization that aims to support businesses within the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) district via special events and marketing. Learn more about the efforts of the organization at DowntownLudington.org or Facebook.com/DowntownLudington.