Man arrested for breaking into homes.

April 24, 2020

Man arrested for breaking into homes.


AMBER TOWNSHIP — A 59-year-old Ludington man was arrested by Michigan State Police troopers after being “caught in the act” of committing break-ins to next door homes on Johnson Road Thursday, April 23, said MSP Sgt. Dan Thomas of the Hart post.

The man was arrested on two felony counts of breaking and entering and is lodged in the Mason County Jail, Thomas said.

Items recovered from the scene are a handgun, ammunition and gloves, said Thomas. It was not immediately clear if the items were stolen from the homes or if they were in the suspect’s possession when the crimes were allegedly committed.

The suspect reportedly broke into two homes and two sheds. The first break-in occurred in the 3300 block of Johnson Road shortly after 3 p.m., and the second one occurred at 7 p.m. in the 3200 block of Johnson Road, Thomas said. The suspect allegedly stole various identification documents from the second home, he said.

No one was home at the time of break-ins, he said, and a neighbor had seen the man and called 911. Troopers were able to identify the suspect and track him down, said Thomas.

The police report is being turned over to the Mason County Prosecutor’s Office. The suspect has not yet been arraigned.

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