Big Point Sable Lighthouse – Alway Photography.
Big Sable Point Lighthouse opening delayed to May 22.
LUDINGTON — The Sable Points Lighthouse Keepers Association will be delaying the opening of the Big Sable Point Lighthouse until May 22 for the 2020 season. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s “Stay at Home” order, staff and volunteers who would now be getting the lighthouse ready for the 2020 will not be able to start until after the order is lifted on May 1.
“The staff works on several projects at Big Sable during the winter months and we rely on volunteers to come in and help us get the Big Sable lighthouse and keepers quarters cleaned before we open to the public,” said SPLKA Director Peter Manting stated. “Normally, we allow three weeks for the volunteers to help us clean up the lighthouse and help put the gift shop together before we can open. Work was stopped this season before SPLKA personnel could finish their work, so we will use the first few days back to get the lighthouse ready for our seasoned volunteers to come in. When our volunteers come in they will then have about two weeks to work with staff to clean and organize the gift shop before we will be open to the public.”
SPLKA will also be opening the Little Sable Point Lighthouse and the White River Light Station and Museum on May 22 as well.
“The SPLKA staff and volunteers will be making sure that all of the State guidelines for opening historic structures/museums to the public will be followed along with adhering to the guidelines set for the number of visitors allowed in each lighthouse at one time. Extra cleaning procedures this year will also be instituted to ensure the safety of the SPLKA volunteers and the guests to our lights,” Manting said.
The public is asked to consider supporting SPLKA during this time of crisis and lost income. SPLKA’s mission is to preserve, promote and educate the public and to make our lighthouses accessible to all. Ways in which you can support SPLKA are by purchasing a personalized walkway board for the walkway at Big Sable Point Lighthouse. Since the office is not open, walkway forms are available for printing on the SPLKA web site and then can be sent in. Also during this time 2020 Lighthouse Merchandise may also be ordered online and donations are accepted by mail or can be made online at www.splka.org.