Sheriff Kim Cole
From Kim Cole, Sheriff of Mason County.
In the recent weeks, our community has had to make many adjustments to our normal, everyday lives in an effort to win the battle with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is no surprise to us at the Sheriff’s Office that Mason County has accepted that challenge and is clearly winning that battle. Although there is still work for all of us to do, we have no doubts that we will overcome this and recover as we have so many other difficult times. We have all chosen to call Mason County our home because we believe in our neighbors, we believe in each other and we believe in our community. As your Sheriff’s Office, we are happy to see the majority join as one and take the necessary steps to protect each other. This is just one of many things that makes Mason County a wonderful place to raise a family.
In the past few weeks, we have spoken with many citizens, all of which had valid questions or concerns. Most of these questions and concerns originated from Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders, how the Sheriff’s Office interprets those orders and how we will be enforcing those orders.
As your Sheriff’s Office, we will first and foremost protect the citizens of our county, as we have all taken an oath to do. Our hope is that our citizens will continue to help us all by taking the proper precautions such as limiting travel for only essential needs, social distancing when you are out, wearing a mask and gloves when in public and being respectful to those around you.
It is important to note that our deputies are educated on the U.S. Constitution along with the Constitution of Michigan and the importance of upholding these constitutions. These are rights afforded to each of us as citizens of this great state and nation and our deputies have taken an oath to uphold and protect each and every one of those rights.
Although we will be following up on each complaint that is filed regarding the Governor’s Executive Orders, we will be using a common sense approach in dealing with violations to those orders. We do rely on each of you to do your part in protecting yourselves and each other by also using a common sense approach when exercising your rights. Together, we will get through this and life as we know it will return to normal.
Stay safe and enjoy your families and loved ones!
Sheriff Kim Cole.