Open letter to residents of Scottville.

April 6, 2020

Open letter to residents of Scottville.

On behalf of the Scottville City Commission, Mayor Bruce Krieger, and the entire staff of the City of Scottville, I would like to thank each of you for doing your part during this uncertain time. We want you to know that we are here for you if you have any questions or concerns about anything that happens in the city, whether it is COVID-19 related or just regular life.

The first few weeks of the stay at home order were a little unsettling and required some adjustments. While City Hall is currently closed to the public, our staff is still working and available.

Beginning this week, our city manager, Courtney Magaluk, will be at City Hall Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Courtney has some small children to take care of at home, so she is also working from home during other hours. You may reach her at City Hall at 231-757-4729, extension 28, during those hours. You may also contact her via email, anytime,

City Clerk Kelse Lester is in the office Tuesdays and Thursdays. She may be reached at 231-757-4729, extension 22. Her email is

City Treasurer Kathy Shafer is in the office Mondays and Wednesdays. She may be reached at 231-757-4729, extension 10. Her email is

Currently, two of our three Department of Public Works employees are working throughout the city. If you have a concern relating to DPW, please contact City Manager Magaluk and she will be sure to relay the message.

Our police department has been working diligently to protect the residents of our town. As you know, we have a small police department consisting of only two full time officers, Chief Matt Murphy and Officer Katrina Skinner. While we have a small roster of part-time officers, they also work elsewhere in law enforcement and emergency services. As you can imagine, a lot of long hours have been logged by our two full time officers. In addition to daily police work, they have been vigilant at making sure that they remain safe from possible exposure, while still making sure you also remain safe. Chief Murphy and Officer Skinner have also spent a lot of time making sure the children of Scottville are being looked after, often delivering meals to the kids during the day.

If you need a police officer, please call 911.

The Scottville Fire Department personnel also continue to serve and protect our community and surrounding area as well. It goes without saying that they will be there for you in any type of emergency, including a medical emergency. If you need the fire department, please call 911.

Whether it is the police or fire department, if you require their services, please try to be mindful of their health and safety during this time.

On behalf of the entire city, we also ask that you keep our local businesses and business owners in your thoughts and prayers. Many of our businesses have had to close or drastically change their practices during this time. We need to offer them any type of support that we can. They are the lifeblood of our city.

Keep in mind, also, that the personnel at our school, Mason County Central, have been working tirelessly to continue to educate our children and also to look out for the social welfare of many of the children. A week’s worth of breakfast and lunch is available for the children, for free, at the MCC Upper Elementary. Pick up days and times are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11 to 11:30 a.m.

Lastly, I would like to let you know that we, the elected commissioners, are your representatives and are here for you. The city charter allows the Mayor to invoke emergency powers in a time of crisis. While Mayor Krieger is well prepared for this, he is currently allowing the city to run business as usual, as much as possible. Today’s scheduled city commission meeting was cancelled but the commission is planning to hold an online meeting on Monday, April 20 at 5:30 p.m. As a member of the public, you have a right to “attend” this meeting and participate in public comment. If you would like to participate please contact City Manager Magaluk.

If you have a concern about anything happening in the city, you are always welcome to contact your elected commissioners. Please see for our phone numbers. Please be respectful of the time of day that you call.

Scottville is a tough little town. We have certainly seen our hardships and we will overcome. We are a town where we look out for each other. Please practice social distancing. Stay at home as much as possible. And, please, stay healthy.

– Rob Alway, City Commissioner

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