Statement from Wyman Funeral Home

March 13, 2020

Statement from Wyman Funeral Home

Letters to the editor are the opinion of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Media Group 31, LLC, owner of Mason County Press. 

From Randy Wyman, owner of Wyman Funeral and Cremation Services, Scottville.

Dear Editor,

Given the recent concerns over the Coronovirus (COVID-19) and the recommendation to limit gatherings, at Wyman Funeral & Cremation Services we want to reassure the families who call on us when a death occurs that we have the knowledge and resources to continue to provide the highest standards of service and care. We will assist you in planning services or gatherings, with or without body present, that best meet the needs of your family.  Whether timing suggests a funeral or memorial service to be held expediently with limited attendance, or to be held at a later date, in accordance with guidelines, to accommodate a larger gathering, we will endeavor to accommodate every family’s needs.  We also want to assure you that we have the ability and resources to have services with body present and viewing, even if it may be delayed for a few weeks.  If you have concerns or questions regarding any of this, please do not hesitate to call us at (231) 757-3333. As always, we are here to assist during these challenging circumstances.

Randy Wyman, Owner/Manager

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