MCE Quiz Bowl team wins league competition.

February 27, 2020

MCE Quiz Bowl team wins league competition.

MANISTEE — The Mason County Eastern Quiz Bowl team recently won the West Michigan D League Competition held Tuesday, Feb. 18 at Manistee Catholic Central. The win was a major accomplishment for the team.

“Our team has come a long way from where we began three years ago,” said Coach Seth Pratt. “We have added more practices to our schedules and have also looked for ways to provide our students with more competitions. We joined the Leagues 8 competition three years ago. This league is composed of several other schools in the Mason County and Muskegon County areas. Joining this league has provided students with the opportunity to see other schools, participate in more matches, and be exposed to a greater number of questions.”

The Cardinal team is composed of 20 students that include all high school grade levels.

“Many of the students this year have been participating in Quiz Bowl for the past three years, but we do have some new faces this year as well,” said Pratt, who has coached the team the past three years.

“Our team did extremely well this year,” Pratt said. “We played four different matches at the Manistee Catholic competition. Our team won the first three matches. The first match we played was against Pentwater. The second match we played was against Manistee Catholic Central. The third match we played was against Walkerville. The last match came down to one question. It was a tie game between MCE and Brethren in our last match. MCE was able to buzz in and answer the last question before the buzzer rang for time. This question put us in the lead and won us the competition.”

As of now, MCE is continuing to participate in the Leagues 8 competition that will be ending in March. The team’s next match is scheduled for March 11 with a 4:20 p.m. start time at Ludington High School.

“We are also looking into the possibility of participating in the state competition as well that will be held later this spring,” Pratt said.

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