ESD bus, semi involved in Lake County crash, no injuries.

January 31, 2020

Photo courtesy of 7&4 News.

ESD bus, semi involved in Lake County crash, no injuries.

WEBBER TOWNSHIP (Lake County)  — No students were injured after a West Shore Educational Service district bus was involved in a crash with a semi-truck this morning on US 10 near Peacock Trail, according to a memorandum from ESD Superintendent Jason Jeffrey, submitted to MCP from Katrina Morris, ESD transportation director.

According to Jeffrey, a semi-truck jackknifed on on icy roads and as a result, the bus and trailer ended up colliding which led to the bus leaving the roadway. 

“Our team acted quickly and parents were notified via telephone,” Jeffrey stated. “Students were transferred to another bus and are now safely in class. The bus driver was not at fault.  At this point, we believe that our driver and aide have not incurred serious injuries, rather they sustained some bumps and bruises. 

The bus was transporting students to the ESD’s center on US 10/31 in Amber Township, Mason County.

“Bus drivers are professional drivers (in the truest sense of the phrase) and in this case, those skills definitely mitigated things.”

Lake County Sheriff Rick Martin told 7&4 News that the semi driver was ticketed for violating the basic speed law. Martin confirmed that nobody was injured.

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