Remington Greiner
Real estate broker sentenced to year in jail for attempted CSC.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
LUDINGTON — A 33-year-old real estate broker was sentenced to one year in jail in 51st Circuit Court Tuesday, Sept. 24, for convictions of attempted first-degree criminal sexual conduct (CSC) and attempted third-degree CSC.
Remington John-Paul Greiner, of 773 N. Stiles Rd., Amber Townhip, pleaded guilty last July to both charges, which are punishable by up to five years in prison.
Sentencing guidelines in the case are 7-23 months, said Mason County Prosecutor Paul Spaniola.
Greiner, who must register as a sex offender, was also ordered to five years probation by Judge Susan K. Sniegowski.
According to his sex offender evaluation, Greiner was identified “as low risk to re-offend,” said Spaniola.
“He is a professional individual in real estate sales,” Spaniola said.
“He believes it was consensual,” Spaniola said of Greiner’s sexual relationship with the 15-year-old girl. “That hits the nail right on the head why this behavior is illegal. He blames the victim. He said she asked for sex, but he declined several times before he finally agreed.”
“As of March 4, 2019 our family has been made aware that Remington Greiner made us all vicitms,” said the victim’s mother. “We were very close friends with Remington, and he made us all victims.”
The mother said that Greiner took the victim and her younger sisters to school, doctor’s appointments, beach trips and other activities.
“He looked me in the eyes daily, and told me he would keep them safe,” she said.
“He began raping my oldest daughter … just after she learned that she had a brain disorder,” the mother said. “He raped her so many times that the count has been lost. It was under our own roof – sometimes when we were all home.
“We took him in when his house burned down,” she said.
“I was stupid,” she said. “I let my daughter down by being so blind.”
The victim became so distraught over what had happened that she attempted suicide, the mother said. “She said it was all her fault.”
“You don’t get to take my child’s life from me, Remington,” she said to Greiner.
The mother said her other daughters are now scared to go places – fearful that they may see Greiner. Her ex-fiancé called their wedding off because of the turmoil. “Remington destroyed our family.”
“He raped my daughter for about a year and a half – he should get the same amount of time. She will live a life sentence – not as a victim, but as a survivor. Please let him sit in jail for a long time,” she said.
“I would agree with the statements that the mother has made,” said Greiner’s attorney Ryan Glanville. “The community sees him as a predator.”
“He’s accepting the consequences for this,” Glanville said.
“Remington Greiner is not a danger to society,” the defense attorney said, citing the “low-risk” results of the evaluation. “Remington is a well-adjusted heterosexual male. He never has preyed upon young children.
“Relations were developed between these two people as a sexual relationship,” he said. “Legally, a minor cannot consent. Remington didn’t force her to do anything. In the police report, she asked him over and over again if she could kiss him. This is not an excuse – he was the adult. He knows that. He’s not going to be put in this situation ever again. This is an episode where Remington should have known better.”
Glanville said Greiner had no prior criminal record nor does he have an alcohol or drug problem. “He’s intelligent,” he added.
“I was the adult in this situation,” Greiner said. “I should have made choices to have handled it differently. I am sorry to (the victim) and her family.”
“Looking at this case, it’s very difficult to understand this,” said Judge Sniegowski. “Mr. Greiner was a 32-year-old man brought in by this family, and he violated their trust.”
“It’s very difficult to see that it’s appropriate,” the judge said, referring to the plea agreement. “But I’m not hearing from the family that it’s not.”
“Five years probation is a lot of time to make sure,” she said. If Greiner violates his probation term, “it can lead us right back here for re-sentencing.”
“There is a lot of thought put into them – a lot of negotiation as far as how we protect the community,” Sniegowksi said in reference to plea agreements. “This sentence doesn’t undo the damage that was done, but it gives us a chance to move forward. I accept it, but I’m concerned about it. However, probation will monitor it.”
Greiner was also ordered to have no contact with any children under age 17. He may not have Internet use until he signs a contract with the Michigan Department of Corrections. He was also ordered to have no contact with the victim for the entire five years of his probation.
Greiner was initially facing up to life in prison with original charges of first-degree CSC and third-degree CSC.
He received credit for one day served in jail.
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