Sherman School District No. 7, Fountain. Built in 1893; annexed to Custer School District (later Mason County Eastern) in 1956 and closed in 1968. Today the school is owned by Five CAP and used as a Head Start building. Located in the Village of Fountain.
MCP in search of school history stories.
I am looking for stories and need help from our readers. I am researching the history of all the local public schools in Mason County and looking for people to interview. The scope of the project will span 1855 to the present. I have already compiled a significant list of the dozens of school districts that once existed in Mason County. I am missing some important dates on some of them.
Much of my research has come from the Mason County Historical Society and researching past newspaper articles. But now I need to hear stories from people who worked at or attended the schools. If anyone with stories about the history of the schools is welcome to submit anecdotes.
At the minimum, my research will be posted here on Mason County Press. I also plan on sharing all content and research notes with the Mason County Historical Society. Ultimately, I may compile all the information in a book.
If you have information to share, please contact me at editor@masoncountypress.com, Facebook message or 231-757-3202. Feel free to write down anecdotes and send them to me, or set up an interview. Though this is an on-going project, ideally I would like to compile this work by the middle of October.
– Rob Alway, editor-in-chief.