Manistee woman pleads ‘no contest’ to embezzling from convenience store.

May 28, 2019

Judith Sannes with her attorney, Harold Emelander

Manistee woman pleadsno contestto embezzling from convenience store.


By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.

LUDINGTON – A 56-year-old Manistee woman pleaded “no contest” Tuesday, May 28, in 51st Circuit Court to a misdemeanor of embezzlement $200-$1,000 for embezzling from her employer, Ertie’s Forest Trail Marathon convenience store on north US 31 near Free Soil.

Judith Desiree Sannes, of 392 Countyline Rd., embezzled $20,000 over the course of three-year period by mishandling ATM (automated teller machine) deposits, according to Judge Susan K. Sniegowski.

Her initial felony charge of embezzlement $20,000-$100,000 was dismissed during the preliminary exam in 79th District Court, said Mason County Prosecutor Paul Spaniola. A second felony count of embezzlement $1,000-$20,000 was dismissed when she pleaded to the lesser charge Tuesday.

Sannes will be sentenced to time served for her up front jail time of a one-year discretionary jail term, Spaniola said.

The restitution of $20,000 was due at the time of her plea, and a $20,000 cashier’s check was provided to pay back the amount that was stolen, said Spaniola.

The embezzlement occurred from 2014-2017, the judge said.

Sannes quit her job shortly after store owners alerted employees that there was a discrepancy of the ATM deposits, Judge Sniegowski said.

Sentencing is set for July 9 at 2:45 p.m.

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