Sex offender charged with 12 counts of probation violation.
LUDINGTON — A 28-year-old Victory Township registered sex offender was arrested May 16 on 12 counts of violating the terms of his probation. Shon Michael Gascoigne of 5146 N. Anderson Road, has been arraigned in 51st Circuit Court for the charges.
In April 2016, Gascoigne pleaded guilty in 51st Circuit Court to one count of attempted third-degree criminal sexual conduct (CSC) and delivery of marijuana to a minor. In May of that year he was sentenced by Judge Susan Sniegowski to 365 days in jail with credit for four days already served, $658 in fines and costs and five years of probation. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dismissed an additional charge of third degree CSC and a charge of furnishing obscene material to a minor.
In court, Gascoigne testified that he attempted to commit digital sexual penetration with a girl between the age of 13-16 years. He was arrested in September 2015 by Ludington Police Department.
Gascoigne had also faced felonies of third-degree CSC and furnishing obscenity to a child, which were dismissed in a plea agreement.
“I had been drinking,” Gascoigne testified. “I attempted to undo her pants, but she didn’t want to.” He also testified that he was smoking a marijuana pipe and gave the victim a draw off the pipe. Both incidents occurred at his residence in May of 2015, he testified.
Gascoigne has a criminal history that includes drug arrests and breaking and entering.
He has been charged with 12 counts, including:
- Having unauthorized contact with a known felon.
- Possession of a device capable of connecting to the Internet (two counts).
- Possession of sexually stimulating materials (two counts).
- Possession and use of equipment capable of taking photographs.
- Controlled substance use, amphetamine.
- Controlled substance use, marijuana (two counts).
- Controlled substance possession, marijuana.
- Tampering of alcohol monitoring bracelet.
- Possession of drug paraphernalia.
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