Scottville narrows manager search.

May 15, 2019

Scottville narrows manager search.

SCOTTVILLE — The Scottville City Commission met in closed session today, Wednesday, May 15, to go over a list of 20 candidates who applied for the vacant city manager position. Following, the commission went into an open meeting and voted to request interviews from three of the candidates with a fourth, who is from out of state, to be an alternate. Each of the qualified candidates requested confidentiality, which, under Michigan Open Meetings Act, allows the commission to review the applicants in closed session.

Second Ward Commissioner/Mayor Pro-Tem Marcy Spencer made the motion to direct Michigan Municipal League facilitator Kathie Grinzinger to contact candidates four, 14, and 20 and determine their interest in being interviewed during an open meeting on Wednesday, May 29. The motion was seconded by Commissioner-At-Large Sally Cole and passed unanimously. Candidate 10 may be interviewed if none of the other three are acceptable candidates.

The commission spent over two hours in closed session.

The city manager seat was left vacant after the resignation of Amy Williams, who served the city for 21 years. The position is currently being overseen by interim manager Steve Brock, former city manager of Farmington Hills, who also served as Ludington interim city manager last year, following the resignation of John Shay.

Brock said the names of the candidates will be released, along with their resumes, once they accept the invitation for an interview.

Grezinger said interviews may last up to 90 minutes. The May 29 meeting begins at 1 p.m. While it is open to the public, only city commissioners will be allowed to interview the candidates.

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