O’Malley to lead House Transportation Committee hearings to discuss roads.

April 12, 2019

Rep. Jack O’Malley

O’Malley to lead House Transportation Committee hearings to discuss roads.

LANSING —State Rep. Jack O’Malley (R-Lake Ann) today announced the House Transportation Committee will begin six weeks of special hearings to discuss the disconnection of Michigan road funding and poor road quality. 

O’Malley said the goal of the increased number of committee meetings is to take an even more comprehensive look inside the road system and how to deliver the best return on investment for taxpayers.

The committee previously met once a week.

 “Our job is oversight and to see what works and what areas need improvement,” said O’Malley, the committee chair. “People continue to want answers on how we’re going to fix our roads, and decisions have to be made. It’s imperative that we listen, learn and see all the options that benefit all taxpayers.”

The House Transportation Committee will next meet on Tuesday, April 16 in Room 327 of the House Office Building at 10:30 a.m.

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