Carrie Carr with defense attorney Cory Rickett
Amber Twp. woman sent to jail for Scottville canoe livery break-in.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
LUDINGTON — A 38-year-old Amber Township woman was sentenced in 51st Circuit Court Tuesday, April 2, to serve 90 days up front of a one-year discretionary jail term for a felony conviction of breaking and entering with intent stemming from her involvement in the River Run Canoe Livery break-in in Scottville last July.
Carrie Ann Carr, of 332 S. Meyers Rd., pleaded “no contest,” Feb. 5.
Carr is one of three co-defendants in the case. Garth Allen Lemere, Jr., 20, of 203 S. Crowley St., Scottville pleaded guilty to the same charge and was sentenced to serve four months up front of a one-year discretionary jail term.
A 15-year-old boy, who was 14 at the time of the incident, was also arrested. His case was referred to juvenile court.
This is Carr’s third felony conviction, and she has eight prior misdemeanors on her criminal record, said Mason County Prosecutor Paul Spaniola. She was previously convicted of home invasion and sent to prison and also was convicted of assaulting/resisting/obstructing police in 2000.
The prosecutor said Carr has a “significant criminal history” which involves her “interacting with a number of people who are significantly younger.” He noted the same pattern in the canoe break-in.
Lemere previously testified that he, Carr and the juvenile broke into the River Run Canoe Livery, at 609 S. Main St.
“We had someone go through the back window, and he unlocked the front door,” Lemere said. “We stole cash out of the register.”
Carr grabbed the cash register money tray, according to her pre-sentence investigation report previously read by Judge Susan K. Sniegowski.
In exchange for her plea to breaking and entering, one count of larceny in a building and a habitual offender notice were dismissed. Breaking and entering is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Nearly $700 in cash and a credit card were stolen. The building was occupied at the time by an employee who was sleeping in a separate room. Lemere was a former employee of the business.
Guidelines in the case are 0-17 months.
The judge also ordered 18 months probation and gave Carr credit for one day served in jail. She is ordered to pay $680 restitution that is joint and several with the other defendants.
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