Thunderstorms possible today.
Smith & Eddy Insurance Weather.
Thursday, March 14 2019
- Cloudy with light rain in the morning. Scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon. Cloudy in the evening with rain on and off after midnight.
- High 57; low 36
- Precipitation: 60% day; 80% evening.
- Wind: S 15 mph day; SW 10 mph evening.
- Humidity: 80% day; 87% evening.
- Sunrise: 7:59 a.m.; sunset: 7:50 p.m.
Friday, March 15, 2019
- Cloudy with rain and snow showers in the morning. Snow showers in the afternoon and evening.
- High 38; low 26.
- Precipitation: 60%
- Wind: WNW 12 mph day; NW 11 mph evening.
- Humidity: 82% day; 77% evening.
- Sunrise: 7:57 a.m.; sunset: 7:51 p.m.
Saturday, March 16, 2019
- Cloudy skies with a few flurries or snow showers possible.
- High 31; low 22
- Precipitation: 20% day; 10% evening
- Wind: NW 12 mph day; S 5 mph evening.
- Humidity: 59% day; 66% evening
- Sunrise: 7:56 a.m.; sunset: 7:52 p.m.
The weather is a service of Smith & Eddy Insurance, proudly offering Auto Owners Insurance.