Judge Pete Wadel
79th District Court sentencings, posted Feb. 7, 2019.
LUDINGTON — The following were recently sentenced in Mason County’s 79th District Court:
-Brian Rollo Grant, 58, of 6890 S. Third Choice St., Chase, pleaded guilty Jan. 28 to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to 23 days in jail with credit for 23 days served; 90 days discretionary jail for one year; and no drugs/alcohol. Fines/costs are suspended due to jail time served.
-James Allen Bills, 30, of 10860 Parkwood Dr., Montague, pleaded guilty Feb. 6 to attempted failure to register as a sex offender and was sentenced to 180 days discretionary jail for one year and $595 in fines/costs. A charge of second offense habitual offender was dismissed.
-Dakota Wayne Moody, 21, of 401 W. Third St., Apt. 424, Scottville, pleaded guilty Feb. 4 to driving while license suspended (DWLS) and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year; 12 months of probation and $225 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to Secretary of State (SOS).
-Kelly Vernon Simmons, 24, of 105 Fifth St., Apt. 1R, Ludington, pleaded guilty Feb. 4 to allowing a person to drive in violation of the motor vehicle code and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year; 12 months of probation and $335 in fines/costs.