Jason Kennedy
Letter to the Editor: LASD Superintendent recognizes dedication of school board.
By Jason Kennedy, superintendent, Ludington Area School District.
Dear Oriole Family:
January is School Board Recognition Month. This is a time to recognize the individuals who approach their volunteer work like it is a full-time job and with extraordinary dedication to public schools. They are citizens whose decisions affect our children and build our community.
School boards are charged with making decisions that can sometimes be quite difficult, or require sifting through a great deal of information. They contribute hundreds of hours each year leading Ludington Area Schools. Their decisions are made based upon the best interests of the children and families of our school community.
We often forget about the personal sacrifices that school board members make. Board members contribute hundreds and hundreds of hours of their time each year leading their school districts. The time spent in board meetings represents only a small fractions of the time that board members spend leading their districts. They continually advocate for the children of our community. Through their dedication, collaboration with other school district staff, their governance and advocacy, they are building the future of education in Michigan.
This month, we encourage all members of the community to thank a board member. Please take this opportunity to show our year-round appreciation for these servant leaders, while also taking the time to better understand how local trustees work together to prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders.
Again, the month of January marks the annual observation of School Board Recognition Month. This is a time to show our appreciation and begin to better understand how school board members work together to prepare today’s students to become tomorrow’s leaders. I would like to publicly thank Steve Carlson, Dr. Bret Autrey, Michael Nagle, Joshua Snyder, Stephanie Reed, Leona Ashley, and Scott Foster for the countless hours and dedication that they have put forth to make Ludington Area Schools the best place that it can be. Please be sure to thank these people for the outstanding work that they do on behalf of the community’s children. I am honored to work with each of them!
With Great Respect,
Jason J. Kennedy