College to hold chorale auditions.
VICTORY TOWNSHIP — West Shore Community College’s Gold Coast Chorale will be holding auditions on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 6 p.m., in room 303 of the Arts and Sciences Center.
The Gold Coast Chorale focuses on singing a wide range of choral repertoire with an emphasis on contemporary choral literature.
Those auditioning should come prepared for basic vocal warm-ups, a short sight singing, and 60 seconds of a prepared piece. The prepared piece can be from various genres including, but not limited to pop, musical theatre, classical, and folk.
Each audition will take approximately eight minutes, and will be conducted on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Anyone who is interested in auditioning for Gold Coast, but unable to make the scheduled time, may contact Elliot Plummer by email to at to set up an alternative audition time.