Reid, left, and Wrightsman
This story has been updated at 12:30 p.m.
Women arraigned on armed robbery charges.
By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.


LUDINGTON — The two women suspected of robbing a cash advance store Wednesday were arraigned in 79th District Court Thursday. Taya Ilene Wrightsman, 21, of 5616 N. Budzynski Road, Sheridan Township, and Koreana Lynn Reid, 18, the same address, have each been charged with one count of armed robbery. The women allegedly used a gun to steal money from Advance America cash store, 4928 W. US 10, and drove off in a Jeep Patriot. Then later that day, while detectives were investigating the scene, returned to the store’s parking lot with the same vehicle.
Armed robbery is a felony punishable by up to life imprisonment.
The crime was reported at 12:59 p.m. Sheriff Kim Cole said an off-duty deputy heard the radio call and was within a mile of the call. When he arrived on scene, he immediately established a perimeter. Ludington Police Department and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources law enforcement assisted the Mason County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputies and detectives were able to gather valuable information off of CCTV from the scene and surrounding businesses which helped investigators in identifying a possible suspect vehicle. A detective on scene recognized a vehicle which matched that of the suspect vehicle seen on CCTV pull back up to the scene.
The information led to the arrest of a 21 year-old Scottville woman and an 18 year-old Fountain woman. Both have been arrested on a count of armed robbery and are awaiting arraignment in 79th District Court.
Investigators believe they have recovered all the money stolen along with additional evidence linking the two to the crime.
Bond was set on each suspect at $50,000 cash/surety. Reid is scheduled for a probable cause hearing at 1:15 p.m. on May 23 and a preliminary examination at 11:15 a.m. on May 30. Wrightsman is scheduled for a probable cause hearing at 2:30 p.m. on May 23 and a preliminary examination at 11:15 a.m. on May 30.
A probable cause conference or hearing is held in felony cases following arraignment. It is a time set for the defense attorney and prosecutor to meet to determine if a preliminary examination will be held or will be waived. The probable cause conference is designed to expedite matters, accept an early plea or resolution to the case, and to preserve victim testimony at the earliest possible stage. During this stage is when the district court judge determines if the case should be bound over to circuit court. The probable cause hearing is often waived, meaning the case goes right to circuit court.
If the matter is not resolved at the probable cause conference, the case continues to proceed in the district court, and a preliminary examination must be held not less than five or more than seven days following the probable cause conference.
The case remains under investigation.